Inserting Auto Features

To create some auto features without showing a dialog box at all, you can use QuickFeatures. You need to load a CAD model into the Graphic Display window. For more information on QuickFeatures, see "Creating QuickFeatures" in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter of the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

To insert Auto Features into your measurement routine with the Auto Feature dialog box, select Insert | Feature | Auto and then select a feature type. This opens the Auto Feature dialog box for that feature type.

Alternately, you can select the feature type from the Auto Features toolbar:

Auto Features toolbar

Once the Auto Feature dialog box opens for the selected feature, if you have a CAD model, click on the feature in the Graphic Display window. PC-DMIS fills in the dialog box with the necessary information taken directly from the CAD model. If you don't have access to a CAD model, you can probe hits directly on your part. Once you complete the dialog box, click Create in the dialog box (or press DONE on your jog box) to insert the feature into the Edit window.

This documentation set does not discuss the Auto Feature dialog box and its options. Because many of the Auto Feature dialog box options are common to the different configurations of PC-DMIS, this information is in the PC-DMIS Core documentation. For in-depth information on the options in the Auto Feature dialog box, consult the "Creating Auto Features" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

For all internal or external features, be sure that you select the proper feature type: HOLE or STUD.


Creating an Auto Vector Point

Creating an Auto Surface Point

Creating an Auto Edge Point

Creating an Auto Angle Point

Creating an Auto Corner Point

Creating an Auto High Point

Creating an Auto Line

Creating an Auto Plane

Creating an Auto Circle

Creating an Auto Ellipse

Creating an Auto Round Slot

Creating an Auto Square Slot

Creating an Auto Notch Slot

Creating an Auto Polygon

Creating an Auto Cylinder

Creating an Auto Cone

Creating an Auto Sphere