Creating a Quick Scan on a Surface

You can use the Quick Scan functionality to create a quick scan on one or more surfaces as follows:

  1. In your Edit window, click to define where to insert the new feature.

  2. Select Surface mode (Operation | Graphic Display Window | Change Curve/Surface Mode).

  3. If required, select one or more surfaces.

  4. In the Graphic Display window, hover your pointer over the surface that you want to scan.

  5. Press Ctrl + Shift and then click at the position from which you want to start the scan. Drag the pointer to the position where you want to stop the scan.

  6. Release the mouse button. PC-DMIS creates a scan and inserts it at the cursor position.

For tactile probes, the Jump Hole check box on the Path Definition tab is always selected. This is because the probe lifts between the scan on each polyline. For spot laser probes, the Jump Hole check box is available for selection, and PC-DMIS uses its last-used value. For more information about the check box, see "Performing a Linear Open Advanced Scan".

The Jump Hole check box is not used for laser probes.

Note the following:

Selecting One or More Surfaces

To select one surface, left-click on any surface in Graphic view. PC-DMIS select this surface and deselects all previously-selected surfaces.

To select multiple surfaces, press Ctrl and click on the surfaces.

To deselect a surface, press Ctrl and click on the selected surface.

Example of a Quick Scan with Pre-Selected Surfaces

If you want to generate a quick scan on two front faces, do the following:

  1. Select the front two faces.

  2. Start the quick scan gesture from the left surface, and drag the pointer to the end point.

PC-DMIS generates the quick scan as shown below:

Quick scan on two front faces

Example of a Quick Scan Without Pre-Selected Surfaces

If you want to generate a quick scan on an area that consists of multiple surfaces without pre-selecting the surfaces, do the following:

  1. Ensure that no surfaces are selected or that the click of the scan gesture is on a non-selected surface.

  2. Start the scan gesture, and move your pointer to the desired end point of the scan.

As you move the pointer, PC-DMIS selects the surfaces and generates the quick scan as shown below:

Quick scan on multiple surfaces