Parameter Settings: Probe Options tab

Parameter Settings dialog box - Probe Options tab

The Probe Options tab gives you additional capabilities for controlling analog probes. These capabilities include the following probing-related values:

It also includes the following scan-related values and general purpose buttons:

Each of these is described below in greater detail.

To access the Probe Options tab:

  1. Access the Parameter Settings dialog box from the main menu (Edit | Preferences | Parameters).

  2. Select the Probe Options tab.

The values on the Probe Options tab are machine-specific. With the exception of the Manual fine probing check box and the Point density box, they generally shouldn't be changed. Check with your machine's manufacturer before you make changes.

Click Apply or OK to insert an OPTIONPROBE command into the Edit window.

For information on using the OPTIONPROBE command with analog probes during calibration, see the "Notes on SP600 Upper Level Matrix (Regular Calibration)" topic in the CMM documentation.


Max Force

Low Force

Upper Force

Trigger Force

Number Return Data

Return Speed

Positioning Accuracy

Probing Accuracy

Probing Mode

Manual Fine Probing

Point Density

Offset Force
