Parameter Settings: Clear Point tab

Dimension ClearPlane Probing Motion Rotary Acceleration Opt. Probe Probe Trigger Options OK button Cancel button Apply button Help button

Parameter Settings dialog box - Clear Point tab

The Clear Point tab lets you define a single move point position in machine coordinates, called a clear point, for your machine. This causes your machine to move the end of the arm to the defined position. This is intended to be a safety position the arm moves to when using a probe changer. This differs from standard MOVE/POINT command in that it uses Move Sequence list to specify the form of the move and the move position is absolute to the machine.

Position area - The XYZ boxes define the location of the move point. When the Read button is clicked, the machine's current position is read and the coordinates are entered into the XYZ fields.

Move Sequence list - This list lets you choose the form of the move to take to arrive at the clear point. It contains these options:

1: XYZ - The machine moves in a straight line to to the clear point position.

1: X 2: YZ - The machine first moves the X axis and then the YZ axis.

1: Y 2: XZ - The machine first moves the Y axis and then the XZ axis.

1: Z 2: XY - The machine first moves the Z axis and then the XY axis.

To insert this command, select the Insert | Move | Clear Point menu item. PC-DMIS inserts a MOVE/CLEARPOINT command in the Edit window. When this command is executed, PC-DMIS moves to the defined clear point using the selected move sequence.