
(This item pertains to the Edit Probe Data dialog box. You can open this dialog box with the Edit button on the Probe Utilities dialog box, accessible through Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe.)

The PrbRdv box defines a radial deviation for the calibrated size of the tip.

When you execute the probe calibration, PC-DMIS does one of two things:

  1. If you have a machine configuration where PrbRdv applies, the calibration process automatically sets the tip size to the theoretical value, calculates, and then saves a PrbRdv value.

  2. If you have a machine where PrbRdv does not apply, the calibration automatically sets the PrbRdv value to zero, calculates, and then saves a tip size slightly different from the theoretical value.

The Edit Probe Data dialog box is merely used to edit the tip size and/or PrbRdv if needed for some reason after calibration. If you re-calibrate, the resulting values come from the calibration, not from whatever may have been manually entered into this dialog box prior to calibrating.

This box is only available for selection if you use an analog probe on certain machines.