Theoretical Path Area

The Theoretical Path area on the Path Definition tab in the scan dialog box (Insert | Scan) contains some or all of these items depending on the type of scan selected:

Theoretical Path list
This list displays the theoretical pathway that your scan will take when executed. It displays the XYZ and IJK data for each point. To import points from a text file, click the Read File button (if using a Freeform scan). Or, you can click the Generate button to have PC-DMIS automatically generate the theoretical points. In the case of a Freeform scan, you can create these points by clicking them on the CAD model.

To edit the value of any theoretical point:

    1. Double-click the appropriate point number in the # column. The Edit Theo Data dialog box appears.

    2. Change the values in the desired X, Y, Z and I, J, K boxes.

    3. Click OK. The change appears in the Theoretical Path list.

To cycle through the points in the Theoretical Path list, click the Next button in the Edit Theo Data dialog box. This enables you to edit them one by one.

To delete any theoretical points:

Generate button
First, select the required boundary point. The Generate button takes information from the CAD model and automatically generates the theoretical pathway within the scan's boundary for these supported scans: Linear Open, Linear Closed, Patch, and Section.

PC-DMIS always uses the Find Nominal Tolerance value on the Execution tab when it generates nominal data for the scans and finds the nominals for the learned scan.

Clear button
Use this button to remove all of the points in the Theoretical Path list.

Read File button
This button appears when you use a Freeform scan. It lets you import points from a text file with a .txt filename extension. The text file should be in a comma-delimited format with one point on each line, like this: X,Y,Z,I,J,K

Jump holes check box
The Jump holes check box determines whether or not the theoretical path should jump over holes and other hole-like features in the surface.

When you work with Surface mode and a tactile probe, the Jump holes check box is always selected when the scan spans through multiple surfaces. When you work with Curve mode and a tactile probe, the Jump holes check box is not available for selection. The scan will always jump when multiple curves are selected.

When you work with a spot laser probe in Surface mode or Curve mode, PC-DMIS records the last setting of the Jump holes check box and sets it accordingly.

This appears on all scans but Perimeter and Freeform. It is not supported in these scans.

Edge offset box
The Edge offset option defines the minimum distance away from a boundary/edge where scan points are considered valid. Scan points that are closer to the boundary that the specified offset distance are not allowed. For example, if you set your offset distance to .5 mm, any scan point located within .5 mm of the boundary/edge is not allowed. This is used with the Jump holes option.

PC-DMIS records the value that you enter for the Edge offset option and converts it into the appropriate unit of the next measurement routine.

Get Nominals button
This button lets you find the nominal after a scan has been learned or executed. PC-DMIS finds the nominals for the scan from the CAD data that is available.

To Points button
This button runs a process where the individual points that make up an existing scan can be converted into single points after execution. PC-DMIS creates single points and places them in a group. The Group ID is the same as the scan ID.

For example:

    1. Place your cursor on a scan using hit data in the Edit window.

    2. Press the F9 key to display the Scan dialog box.

    3. Select the To Points button.

PC-DMIS converts all hit data into single points and creates a group in the Edit window.

Flip button
This button flips the approach vectors of the theoretical scan point that is selected in the Theoretical Path list.

Flip All
This button reverses all of the vectors for all points in the Theoretical Path list.

Label Hits check box
This check box determines whether or not PC-DMIS should label each hit in the scan. Labeled hits look something like this:

A UV scan with labeled hits