
(This item applies to the Comment dialog box, accessible through Insert | Report Command | Comment.)

The Document option adds text to the internal measurement routine. Its only use is to store programmer notes. It does not appear in the inspection report (unless you mark Display On Report), nor does it display anything when executed.

To use the Document option:

  1. Place the cursor in the Edit window where you want to insert the comment command.

  2. Select the Insert | Report Command | Comment menu option to open the Comment dialog box.

  3. From the Comment dialog box, select the Document option.

  4. In the Comment Text box, type the comment text.

  5. Click the OK button to close the dialog box and insert the comment.

The Edit window command line for this option reads:

$$ TOG1,
             Please Edit Comment Text!

TOG1 = This YES/NO field allows you to specify whether or the comment shows up in the inspection report.

If your measurement routine contains unsupported commands, (perhaps from a newer version of PC-DMIS) when you open the measurement routine, PC-DMIS converts them to this comment type. For more information, see "Save As" in the "Using Basic File Options" chapter.