Feature Shortcut Menu

To access this shortcut menu, from the Graphic Display window, right-click on a feature ID label , Diminfo box, Pointinfo box, or CAD GD&T callout. You can also see many of these options if you right-click anywhere in the Graphic Display window.

Right-clicking on a GD&T callout displays many of these same menu items; however, only the "show" and "hide" menu items function in this context.

The following options are available:

This menu option opens the appropriate dialog box for the underlying command in the Edit window so that you can use the dialog box to edit that command.

For Dimension Info boxes with legacy graphics labels, this opens the Edit Dimension Info dialog box as usual. For information, see "Inserting Dimension Info Boxes" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.

For Dimension Info boxes with new graphics labels, this opens the Properties dialog box for that label so that you can see the pathway to the underlying template in the Template Path field.

You can change what graphics labels the software uses with the Use legacy graphics labels check box in the Feature Appearance dialog box. For more information on this dialog box, see the "Editing Feature Appearance" topic in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter.

Move Cursor To
Select this menu option to move the Edit window's cursor to this feature's command line in the Edit window. This only affects the location of the cursor in the Edit window; the location of the probe in the Graphic Display window remains unchanged.

Hide All IDs
Hides all Feature Labels, Dimension Infos, and Point Infos for all features.

Hide ID
This menu option hides a single ID label in the Graphic Display window. A hidden label still exists; it's merely hidden from view.

Hide ID in View
This hides the selected feature's ID label only in the current view. In other views, it remains visible.

Hide IDs
This submenu lets you hide the different feature ID labels. ID labels that you hide still exist and are merely hidden from view.

You can choose to show or hide these types of ID labels:

Show All IDs
Shows all Feature Labels, Dimension Infos, and Point Infos for all features.

Show ID in All Views
This shows the selected feature's ID label in all views.

Show IDs
This submenu lets you show the different feature ID labels. For information, see the Hide IDs documentation above. The show menu items do the opposite of those "hide" menu items.

Reset All IDs
This option moves all ID labels back to their original locations next to their respective features.

Reset ID
This option moves a single ID label back to its original location next to the feature.

Hide All Features
This option hides all features on a part and removes them from the Graphic Display window. The features still exist and are merely hidden from view.

Hide Feature
This option hides a single feature and removes it from the Graphic Display window. The feature still exists and is merely hidden from view.

Show All Features
This option displays all previously hidden features in the Graphic Display window.

Show Feature Normal
For information, see "Show Feature Normal Option" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter.

CAD GD&T Display Filter
This menu option displays a dialog box allowing you to filter what CAD GD&T callouts are displayed. It appears in the shortcut menu if your CAD model contains embedded CAD GD&T information. See "Working with CAD GD&T Callouts" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter.

Automatic Label Positioning
This menu option allows you to perform a one-time automatic positioning of feature ID labels around the edges of the current view.

Change Appearance
This menu option opens the Change Label Options dialog box. With this dialog box, you can change the appearance of the different labels in the Graphic Display window. There are three different label types: feature ID labels, Dimension Info boxes, and Point Info boxes.

The dialog box contains these items:

Background Color
This box opens a Color dialog box so that you can change the label's background color.

Background Transparency
This slider or the box to its right adjusts the transparency level of the label's background color. The value can be from  0 (opaque) to 100 (completely transparent).

Line Color
This box opens a Color dialog box so that you can change the label's border color.

Show Shadow
This check box displays a small shadow under the label.

You can choose to apply your changes to all label types or to just the current label type.

To make your changes the default settings, click the Default button.

Feature Shortcut Menu Additions in Text Box Mode

In Text Box mode (), PC-DMIS adds these additional options to the standard feature shortcut menu:

Show ID
Unhides the label of the selected feature. (This is only available if you right-click near a feature with its label hidden.)

Create Dim Info Box
This option creates a Dimension Information text box from the highlighted feature. An Edit Dim Info dialog box appears and shows the available dimensions from which you can create the Dimension info text box.

If no dimensions are associated with the feature, PC-DMIS automatically creates a default Location dimension for the feature (see "Dimensioning Location" in the "Using Legacy Dimensions" chapter). For information on how to use the Edit Dimension Info dialog box, see "Inserting Dimension Info Boxes" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.

Create Point Info Box
This menu option creates a Point Info text box from the highlighted feature. An Edit Point Info dialog box appears and shows the feature (and any available dimensions ) from which you can create the Point Info text box. For information on how to use the Edit Point Info dialog box to create a Point Info text box, see "Inserting Point Info Boxes" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.

To access these added options:

  1. Select the Text Box Mode icon. For information, see "Text Box Mode" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter).

  2. Right-click on a feature or feature's ID label in the Graphic Display window to display the shortcut menu.

Dimension/Point Info Menu in Text Box Mode

When in Text Box mode (), if you right-click on a Dim Info box or Point Info box, PC-DMIS adds these two options to the standard feature shortcut menu:

This option allows you to edit the selected Dimension Info or Point Info text box. A slightly modified Edit Dimension Info or Edit Point Info dialog box opens. In addition to the standard buttons along the bottom of the dialog box, an additional Apply To All button is available.

Click Apply To All to have any changes made in the dialog box apply to all Dimension Info or Point Info boxes:

Only the changes made from the original to the modified info box will be applied across all Dim Info or Point Info boxes. Settings on the original info box that already differ from other info boxes will not be applied to the other info boxes.

For additional information see "Inserting Dimension Info Boxes" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter.

Select this menu option to delete the selected dimension or point info text box. The corresponding POINTINFO or DIMINFO command in the Edit window will also be deleted.

To access these added options:

  1. Select the Text Box Mode icon (see "Text Box Mode" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter).

  2. Right-click on a Dim Info or Point Info box in the Graphic Display window.

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