

The GridControlObject icon inserts a customizable grid of columns and rows into your report or label template.

A Newly Inserted Grid Control Object

A Newly Inserted Grid Control Object

This unique object is more than just a standard table, though. In fact, you can program the individual cells, rows, or columns using the reporting expression language to cause PC-DMIS to pull and display specific reporting information from your measurement routine.

As with the other objects, you can easily resize and move this object to a new location. When you resize this object, be aware that PC-DMIS dynamically sizes the columns and rows to fit the new object's size.

Accessing the GridControlObject Editor

Once you insert a GridControlObject, select it, double-click inside any cell, and then right-click to display a tabbed dialog box. This dialog box gives you powerful formatting and editing abilities that let you program each grid cell to your individual specifications.

GridControlObject Editor - Cell tab

Cell tab of the GridControlObject's Editor

See these topics for information on using this editor:


Determines the number of columns in the grid.

Determines the number of rows in the grid.

Specifies a grid layout name to use. If this property matches the grid layout name in the Rules Tree Editor, then you can use the TABLE/FORMAT Edit window command to directly control row and column order and visibility for your label template.

Determines whether or not the grid's background is transparent. If set to Yes, the usual white background color becomes transparent; other objects behind this object are then visible through the grid.

Increasing the NumRows property adds new rows to the bottom of the available rows. Decreasing them will delete the bottom-most row and work up. Similarly, increasing the NumColumns property adds new columns to the right of the available rows. Decreasing the number of columns will delete the right-most column and work left.

Related Topics:

About Labels and Label Templates

About the Rule Tree Editor

Label Object