Interface-Specific Options

To set the values for registry entries for the FDC-SLC interface, use the PC-DMIS Settings Editor.

Laser (CWS or TTL) require different setups. For CWS, you need to set these registry entries:

Registry Entry Default Value

Settings Editor Section

CWSPresent True FDC
Laser_Type 2 MSI

For TTL, you need to set these registry entries:

Registry Entry

Default Value

Settings Editor Section

FLSPresent True FDC
Laser_Type 1 MSI

If you install a rotary table, you need to set these additional settings:

Registry Entry

Default Value

Settings Editor Section

EnableRotaryAbsolutePosition True FDC
EnableRotaryClockMode True FDC
SendHSSFullData 2 FDC
RotaryMinDelta 0.05 FDC
RotaryOffset 0 FDC
RotaryOffsetSpeed 50 FDC
RotaryTablePresent True FDC