Configuration Files

There are two configuration files required by PC-DMIS during start up for initialization of the Metronics controller. These files contain servo/encoder tuning information and are specific to an individual machine. The factory supplies the files with the machine. The files are NOT installed with PC-DMIS.

The names of these files are:

If you install a new version of PC-DMIS, the installation doesn’t copy the files into the new installation directory. You must copy the files manually to the correct location.

For PC-DMIS 2014 and earlier versions, the configuration files must be in the installation directory of PC-DMIS.

Starting with PC-DMIS version 2014.1, the configuration files must be in the appropriate Program Files directory of the current version of PC-DMIS (for example: "C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2018 R1 64-bit".)

If you install PC-DMIS version 2014.1 or later, and there is an existing PC-DMIS version 2014 or earlier, you must copy the configuration files manually to the correct Program Files directory of the new version after the installation.

If you install a newer version PC-DMIS, and both the old and new version are PC-DMIS version 2014.1 or later, the installer copies the configuration files automatically from the Program Files directory of the old version to the Program Files directory of the new version.