If you need to manually change the PC-DMIS interface's DLL files (such as for an installation with an "all-interfaces" license), rename the files as follows:

For example, to configure the files for an OPTIV 321 system after a new installation of PC-DMIS, or after a PC-DMIS service pack update:

In some situations and before you update to a PC-DMIS service pack, you may need to copy out the 6550_c.ini file from the original installation location, and then paste it back into the same location after you finish the installation of the service pack.

  1. Make a copy of the HexMSI.dll found in the root of the PC-DMIS install folder.

  2. Rename the original HexMSI.dll file to interfac.dll.

  3. Make a copy of the HSI_Metronics.dll file found in the same folder.

  4. Rename the original HSI_Metronics.dll file to HSI.dll.

  5. You must then configure the interface in the Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup):