Support for Generic CMM

The Generic CMM interface requires GMServer version 1.33 or higher.

The Generic CMM interface provides support for generic devices that communicate using RS232 or TCP/IP. The GMServer handles the communication and a dll interprets the data. The dll currently supports eight different data formats. If you need to support an additional format, you can substitute the GmsGenericCmm.dll with a dll with the same code footprint (see the table below). You must also update the GMS.XML section for Generic CMM with the name of the new dll (for example, <DLL>MyNewDll.dll</DLL>).

The currently supported formats are:

X.X,Y.Y,Z.Z (100.000,200.000,300.000)
X,Y,Z (100000,200000,300000)
xX.X,yY.Y,zZ.Z (X100.000,Y200.000,Z300.000)
Xx,yY,zZ (X100000,Y200000,Z300000)
X.X,Y.Y,Z.Z,W.W (100.000,200.000,300.000,245.5)
X,Y,Z,W (100000,200000,300000,2455)
xX.X,yY.Y,zZ.Z,wW.W (X100.000,Y200.000,Z300.000,W245.5)
Xx,yY,zZ,wW (X100000,Y200000,Z300000,W2455)

No drivers are necessary for this interface other than the drivers for the COMM port.

Additionally, the GmsGenericCmm.dll file or its replacement must be present in the root of the PC-DMIS installation folder.

The XML configuration file for this device is GMSGENERICCMM.XML. You must set the values according to the installed device.

Click to see the contents of an example sample file.


Manual CMM Interface