TF - Touch Mode Off

The TF command prevents the system from sensing deflection of the touch probe except during commanded touches or seeks. In this mode, the system can ignore touches resulting from the vibration experienced by a long probe that is traveling at a high velocity. Because damage can result if the probe contacts a surface with force, use extreme caution when using this function.

Whenever this command is used in a measurement routine, the TN command should be used to re-enable the touch probe before you terminate the measurement routine.

Command Format

MLString "TF"


MLString "TF"




After the software executes this command, the system does not recognize touch probe hits except during programmed DCC touch operations. You can re-enable the recognition of touch probe hits with the TN command, or initialization within a measurement routine.

Skip Action

Executes even when inside a skipped block.

Error Messages

MLB-090 - DCC not available