Step 3: Check the Calibration Results

To open the Calibration Results dialog box, click the Results button.

Calibration Results

PC-DMIS records several things from the calibration in this dialog box. Take a look at the maximum, average, and standard deviation values. The Average Error should be around 0.05 mm. The Maximum Error should be around 0.15 mm.

If the results look correct, click the OK button to close the Calibration Results dialog box.

You are now done with the setup up and calibration of your laser probe. You should now have access to all laser-related functionality.

If the calibration exceeds the tolerance value defined for the StandardDeviationLimit registry entry in the USER_Option section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor, PC-DMIS adds a line of text that says "Standard deviations for the probe calibration exceed limit" in the Calibration Results dialog box.