Using Q-DAS Configurator

Q-DAS Configurator creates a Q-DAS data file for a measurement routine in PC-DMIS. The Q-DAS data file has information that the Q-DAS statistical software needs to generate output files. Q-DAS Configurator saves the Q-DAS data file in the same folder as the measurement routine. The file name has the following format:

<name of measurement routine>.QdasData.xml

Where <name of measurement routine> is the name of the PC-DMIS measurement routine.

Q-DAS Configurator also automatically creates a Configurator.log file. This file has helpful information that Hexagon Technical Support can use to troubleshoot problems. You can find the Configurator.log file in this folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\<version>\Q-DAS, where <version> is the PC-DMIS version.