
This registry entry provides an additional value to determine how the value for the CollisionToleranceinMM registry entry is applied to your probe. PC-DMIS distinguishes between probe geometry above the trigger (TP20, SP600, etc.) and probe geometry below the trigger (3X20, etc.).

For probe tip geometry that is below the trigger, a part collision is not critical. On the other hand, for the geometry of the probe head that is above the trigger, we want to be further from the surfaces with this part of the probe. With the geometry above the trigger, the full value for the CollisionToleranceinMM registry entry is applied. For the geometry that is below the trigger (probe tip), PC-DMIS applies a percentage of this tolerance.

If the CollisionToleranceinMM registry entry is set to 50 mm, and this value is set to the default value of 0.1 (10%), PC-DMIS would apply 50 mm to all the probe and arm geometry except the extension and tips. For the extension and tips, a 5 mm (10% of 50 mm) tolerance is used.

Entry Name: BelowTriggerTolerancePercentage

Entry Type: Real Number to specify percentage in decimal. The default value is 0.1. The values can be from 0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%)