
This registry entry defines the number of rows that PC-DMIS uses to measure the feature. You can use any integer greater than 1.

Entry Name: PTP_Rows_

Entry Type: Whole number that specifies the number of rows. The default value is 3.

Related links:

PTP_Rows_Angle Point, PTP_Rows_Circle, PTP_Rows_Cone, PTP_Rows_Corner Point, PTP_Rows_Cylinder, PTP_Rows_Edge Point, PTP_Rows_Ellipse, PTP_Rows_High Point, PTP_Rows_Line, PTP_Rows_Notch Slot, PTP_Rows_Plane, PTP_Rows_Polygon, PTP_Rows_Round Slot, PTP_Rows_Sphere, PTP_Rows_Square Slot, PTP_Rows_Surface Point, PTP_Rows_Vector Point