Calibrate Illumination

This calibration procedure allows you to calibrate the lamps for your machine. Lamp calibration ensures that the illumination range is linear, and that changing magnification on zoom cells will not significantly change the illumination on the part within the capability of the hardware.

You should calibrate your optical system's lighting at these times:

To calibrate lamps:

  1. On the Calibrate Probe dialog box, from the drop-down list, select Calibrate Illumination.

  2. Click Calibrate to show the Calibrate Illumination dialog box with the calibration date for each lamp in parenthesis. If you haven't calibrated a lamp the text in parenthesis says "Uncalibrated".

    Calibrate Illumination dialog box

  3. Select the check box next to the lamp that needs to be calibrated.

  4. Prepare for calibration as directed according to the lamp type:

  5. Mark the Adaptive Mode check box to apply the adaptive calibration mode to the calibration process if required.

  6. Calibrate Illumination dialog box with Adaptive Mode check box marked

The Adaptive Calibration mode may cause issues with existing measurement routines. Without the Adaptive Calibration mode, the levels across some hardware configurations were inconsistent. The actual illumination seen in the camera did not match the commanded value. After the Adaptive Calibration mode illumination calibration, the machine illumination seen in the camera will match the commanded value.

  1. Click Calibrate. The calibration process begins. The process takes several minutes.