Probe Toolbox: Feature Locator Tab

Probe Toolbox - Feature Locator tab

The Feature Locator tab allows you give instructions to the operator for the current feature. You can provide one or more of the following prompts during feature execution:

To provide Feature Locator information:

  1. Click the button next to the (speaker) button to browse to the .wav file to associate with this auto feature. The speaker button must be selected for the audio file to play.

  2. Click the Feature Locator BMP File toggle button to toggle the display of the associated bitmap.

  3. Click the button next to the Capture Feature Locator BMP button to browse to the .bmp file to associate with this auto feature. The bitmap button must be selected for the bitmap to be displayed on the Feature Locator tab.

  4. Rather than browsing for a bitmap image, you can click the Capture Feature Locator BMP button to capture an image from the current CAD View or Live View (whichever is active). This file is indexed and saved in the PC-DMIS install directory. For example, a measurement routine named Vision.prg would yield bitmap images named Vision0.bmp, Vision1.bmp, Vision2.bmp, and so on.

  5. Type a message to be displayed as a caption in the text box. For example, "Measure Circle 1" is displayed on this tab with subsequent feature execution.