Example - Picture Statement

  1. ' This example uses the picture control to show a picture.

  2. Sub Main ()

  3.     Begin Dialog myDialog 60, 60, 175, 125, "Picture Test"

  4.         Text 10, 10, 50, 50, "This is a picture:",.Text1

  5.         Picture 60, 10, 75, 75, "d:\temp\test.bmp",0,.Picture1

  6.         OKButton 10, 100, 40, 12

  7.     End Dialog

  8.     ' Dialog returns -1 For OK

  9.     Dim Dlg1 As myDialog

  10.     button = Dialog(Dlg1)

  11.     If button = -1 Then

  12.         Exit Sub

  13.     End If

  14. End Sub

Example Picture Control