Interface-Specific Options

ScaleX - This registry entry specifies the scale factor for the X-axis.

ScaleY - This registry entry specifies the scale factor for the Y-axis.

ScaleZ - This registry entry specifies the scale factor for the Z-axis.

MaxSpeed = 400 - This registry entry sets the maximum speed for the controller. For most controllers, this value is around 400. Some special controllers use a value around 100.

UseSendKey - This registry entry defines the function of the Send key. The settings are:

0 - The "Send" key is inactive.

1 - Ends a feature.

2 - Inserts a Move point.

3 - Deletes the last hit taken.

4 - Inserts a manual measured point (hard probe).

UsePButton = 0 - This registry entry defines the function of the "P" button. The default value is 0 (zero). The settings are:

0 - The "P" button is inactive.

1 - Ends a feature.

2 - Inserts a Move point.

3 - Deletes the last hit taken.

4 - Inserts a manual measured point (hard probe).

ProtoPath - This registry entry defines the absolute path to the Proto.exe and CEJComm.ini files. For example: C:\Program Files\CEJ\Proto\.

MapOffsetX - This registry entry sets the "X" offset between the CEJ compensation map origin and PC-DMIS probe origin. The software adds the offsets to the probe offsets when the probe data is sent to Proto.

MapOffsetY - This registry entry sets the "Y" offset between the CEJ compensation map origin and PC-DMIS probe origin. The software adds the offsets to the probe offsets when the probe data is sent to Proto.

MapOffsetZ - This registry entry sets the "Z" offset between the CEJ compensation map origin and PC-DMIS probe origin. The software adds the offsets to the probe offsets when the probe data is sent to Proto.

GeoComp = True - This registry entry disables the use of Proto geometric compensation when set to False. The default value is True.

TempComp = True - This registry entry disables the use of Proto temperature compensation when set to False. The default value is True.

MaxControllerMoves = 30 - This registry entry controls the number of instructions sent to the Proto buffer at a time. The default value is 30.

SendChanging = 0 - This registry entry disables sending this instruction to Proto when set to 0 (zero). The default value is 0 but it is usually set to 1. After v1.088 of the Johansson machine interface dll, if the Automatic Probe Changer (APC) is not reported, the software does not send enable or disable probe instructions to the controller.

TimerUpdateInterval = 200 - This registry entry sets the time update interval value in milliseconds. The default value is 200.

MaxControllerMoves = 30 - This registry entry sets the count of the controller buffered moves. The default value is 30.

QuitWait = 2000 - This registry entry defines the time in milliseconds (ms) to wait when quitting after the last command is sent. The default value is 2000.

ResetWait = 400 - This registry entry defines the time in milliseconds (ms) allowed to the controller after a RESET SOFT and before any other command is sent. The default value is 400.

NoResetOnManStop = False - When you set this registry entry to True, the software prevents the RESET SOFT sequence when a stop probe is internally called in manual measure mode. The default value is False.

ForceAPCPresence = True - This registry entry allows the configuration of the SETCONFIG command.

When set to True (default): SETCONFIG n,1

When set to False: SETCONFIG n,0

WaitTimeAfterPhRot = 200 - This registry entry defines the wait time before the controller sends another command after a probe rotation. The value is in milliseconds (ms).