KD - Set nominal soft probe deflection

The KD command sets the nominal soft probe deflection to be used.

Command Format

MLString "KD p1"


MLString "KD 0.05"

This example sets the nominal soft probe deflection to 0.05 units.


p1 = The nominal soft probe deflection (Numeric, optional).

The optional numeric parameter p1 specifies the nominal soft probe deflection in current units. This value must be positive.

If p1 is not specified then the current setting for nominal soft probe deflection is returned. The default value after initialization (IL) is 0.05 inches.


If a value is specified, the nominal soft probe deflection is set to this value except as noted above. If a value is not specified, then the current value is returned to variable S7.

Skip Action

Executed Normally

Error Messages

MLB-090 - DCC not available