MP-105 Host to MP communication interrupted

The MP received what appeared to be the start of a host message over the RS-232 communication line but the message was not properly terminated and at least ten seconds elapsed since receiving the last character. This may have been caused by one of the following:

For more information, see "MP Error Codes".

What you should do:

  1. Check and tighten both ends of the host to MP RS-232 cable.

  2. To clear the error, click Clear error in the XYZ Display window.

  3. To clear it using an RCU-II, press and hold down the Servo Power Off button and then press the Joy button twice.

  4. If the error occurred while executing a measurement routine, then assume that the measurement routine operation has been seriously disrupted. Abort the measurement routine.

  5. If the error reoccurs, contact your Giddings & Lewis service representative.


If the error occurred shortly after you turned on the host computer, it is most likely the result of turning the computer on. It is normal for some random character to be generated over the RS-232 line when you turn on the computer. In this case, you can just clear the error.