MP-127 Piezo touch error

The system attempted to make a program touch five consecutive times with a false touch reported on each attempt. This error can only occur when you use a TP7, TP12, or TP200. This may be the result of an excessively slow touch speed, a dirty part, or a bad probe assembly.

As a result, the system drops into Manual mode until the error is acknowledged.

What you should do:

  1. Acknowledge the error report.

  2. Check the probe assembly for any obvious problems such as a loose probe tip.

  3. Put the system back into Auto mode. This allows the system to automatically re-attempt the commanded touch.

  4. If the touch continues to fail, abort the command and the measurement routine. Change the probe assemblies, recalibrate, then try again.

  5. If the error reoccurs, contact your Giddings & Lewis service representative.