Interface-Specific Options

Hardware = T. The values are:

Interrupt = 5 - This value sets the interr,pt level for the Tech80 card if you change it to make sure the jumper on the card is set to the same level.

HitInterval = 500 - This value specifies how much time must pass after a hit before a second hit is valid. It is useful to prevent "double hits" as the probe retracts from the part. The value is in milliseconds; for example, 500 is 0.5 seconds.

RequestInterval = 300 - This value controls the speed at which PC-DMIS tracks the position of the probe. The value is in milliseconds; for example, 300 is 0.3 seconds (the position is requested roughly three times a second).

CheckForHitsInterval = 15 - This value controls how often PC-DMIS checks for hits. You can adjust this value if PC-DMIS is not reporting the correct vector for hits.

AutoReset = 0 - PC-DMIS does not reset the scales when it is initialized; instead, it asks the user and will or will not reset the scale based on the user’s response.

DeflectForEnd = False - If you set this option to True, PC-DMIS interprets a probe trigger as the END key feature when the XYZ axis is stationary.

ReverseVector = False - Set this option to True if all hits are reporting vectors backward. Before you change this option, ensure that all scale directions are correct and follow the right-hand coordinate system.

StretchX = 1000.0

StretchY = 1000.0

StretchZ = 1000.0 - These options define the scale factor for the specified axis. This is usually a value of 1000.

You can change these values to accommodate any linear scale stretch. If you use a Scale Interface card, the conversion factor depends on the resolution of the scale. The value should be 256/pitch, where the pitch is specified in mm. For example, to use the NK analog encoder/scale system with a 16 um pitch, the conversion factor is 256/0.01 = 16000.

XnCounterDirX, XnCounterDirY, XnCounterDirZ = Set the value to 0 or 1 to change the direction of the counter in the specified axis. These options only work with Brown & Sharpe’s Scale Interface (PCI) board.