Example - Date Function

  1. ' Format Function Example

    ' This example shows various uses of the Format function to format values

    ' using both named and user-defined formats. For the date separator (/),

    ' time separator (:), and AM/ PM literal, the actual formatted output

    ' displayed by your system depends on the locale settings on which the code

    ' is running. When times and dates are displayed in the development

    ' environment, the short time and short date formats of the code locale

    ' are used. When displayed by running code, the short time and short date

    ' formats of the system locale are used, which may differ from the code

    ' locale. For this example, English/United States is assumed.


    ' MyTime and MyDate are displayed in the development environment using

    ' current system short time and short date settings.


    Sub Main

    1. x = Date()

      Print Date

      Print x

      Print "VarType: " & VarType(Date)

      MyTime = "08:04:23 PM"

      MyDate = "03/03/95"

      MyDate = "January 27, 1993"

      SysDate = Date

      MsgBox Sysdate,0,"System Date"

      MsgBox Now,0,"Now"

      MsgBox MyTime,0,"MyTime"

      MsgBox Second( MyTime ) & " Seconds"

      MsgBox Minute( MyTime ) & " Minutes"

      MsgBox Hour( MyTime ) & " Hours"

      MsgBox Day( MyDate ) & " Days"

      MsgBox Month( MyDate ) & " Months"

      MsgBox Year( MyDate ) & " Years"

      ' Returns current system time in the system-defined long time format.

      MsgBox Format(Time, "Short Time") & " Short Time"

      MsgBox Format(Time, "Long Time") & "Long Time"  

      ' Returns current system date in the system-defined long date format.

      MsgBox Format(Date, "Short Date") & " Short Date"

      MsgBox Format(Date, "Long Date") & " Long Date"

      MyDate = "30 December 91" ' use of European date

      print Mydate

      MsgBox MyDate,0,"MyDate International..."

      MsgBox Day(MyDate),0,"day"

      MsgBox Month(MyDate),0,"month"

      MsgBox Year(MyDate),0,"year"

      MyDate = "30-Dec-91" ' another of European date usage

      print Mydate

      MsgBox MyDate,0,"MyDate International..."

      MsgBox Day(MyDate),0,"day"

      MsgBox Month(MyDate),0," month"

      MsgBox Year(MyDate),0,"year"

      MsgBox Format("This is it", ">")        ' Returns "THIS IS IT".

    End Sub