Exporting to a DMIS File

DMIS files adhere to the DMIS standards for DMIS commands. You can execute DMIS files on other applications that use the DMIS language.

To export your PC-DMIS measurement routine file as a DMIS file, perform the following steps:

  1. Select File | Export | DMIS. This action opens the Export dialog box.

  2. In the Export dialog box, choose a file name and click Export to open the DMIS Export Setup dialog box. This dialog box contains the General tab and the Error Log tab.

  3. After you choose your options on these tabs, click OK to complete the export process.

General tab

DMIS Export Setup dialog box - General tab

DMIS Export Setup dialog box - General tab

The General tab lets you choose one of three methods to convert your PC-DMIS measurement routine into a DMIS file.

If a function in the BASIC script returns an error when you use this option, then the exported file gets written as if you had selected the PC-DMIS Edit Window (DMIS Mode) option above.

Error Log tab

DMIS Export Setup dialog box - Error Log tab

DMIS Export Setup dialog box - Error Log tab

The Error Log tab lets you view or save errors encountered during an export phase so that you can correct them in your script file or take some other appropriate action. PC-DMIS displays errors or warnings in these instances:

Click the ... button to locate and select an existing text file to which PC-DMIS should send the errors.

Click the Display log when export is complete check box to display the text file in a text editor once PC-DMIS finishes the export process.

SuppressDMESWComandOutput Registry Entry

A SuppressDMESWComandOutput registry entry lets you suppress DMESW/COMAND statements in the output file with the $$ comment marker prefix if you use the Flexible DMIS export method discussed above. For more information, see the "SuppressDMESWComandOutput" topic in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor documentation.