Using Quick Fixtures Files

Using .DRAW Files

PC-DMIS stores quick fixture files with a .DRAW filename extension in the "models\quickfix" sub-folder where you installed PC-DMIS.

In addition, PC-DMIS stores a definition of each quick fixture in a special data file (.dat filename extension) located in the directory where you installed PC-DMIS.

A typical quick fixture data file consists of two lines for each quick fixture, an ITEM: line and a cadgeom line. In a text editor, this file might look something like this:

A Small Sample of the QuickFix.Dat File

A Small Sample of the QuickFix.Dat File

To Use Custom Quick Fixture .DRAW Files from a Previous Installation

  1. Close down PC-DMIS and open Windows Explorer.

  2. Before you create new custom fixtures for your new installation, copy the .DRAW files from the "models\quickfix" sub-folder of your previous installation, and paste them into the "models\quickfix" sub-folder of your current PC-DMIS installation.

  3. Copy the userquickfix.dat file from the directory of your previous installation, and paste it into the directory of your current PC-DMIS installation.

  4. Restart PC-DMIS. The custom quick fixtures will appear in the Quick Fixture dialog box along with the fixtures supplied by your current PC-DMIS installation.

The .DRAW quick fixture files will not appear inside of the Quick Fixture dialog box unless the userquickfix.dat file contains the necessary definitions for the file. These definitions get added whenever you import your own custom IGES files as quick fixtures using the Quick Fixture dialog box. For information, see "Adding Custom Fixtures".

If you want to directly use the .DRAW files created by another user, but you don't want to overwrite your own quick fixtures by copying the other user's data file, you would need to use a text editor to merge the necessary ITEM: and cadgeom lines from the other user's data file into your data file.

Using .QFXT Files

You can also save and load fixture files as .QFXT files by using the Quick Fixture dialog box. See the Save and Load buttons discussed in "Using the Quick Fixture Position Dialog Box" for more information.