Constructing an Intersection Point

You can construct a point between two valid features:

First Valid Feature

Second Valid Feature


Line, Cylinder, Cone, or Curve


Plane, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, Curve, Line, Circle, or Slot


Plane, Line, Cone, Cylinder, Circle, or Slot


Plane, Line, Cone, Cylinder, Circle, or Slot


Plane, Line




Line, Cone, Cylinder, Circle, or Slot

The point is created where the lines (centerlines) of the two features intersect or where a linear feature pierces a planar feature.

A - Point constructed from two lines (LINE1 and LINE2)

Constructing an intersection point from two lines

If you want to intersect or pierce a circle with a line, see "Constructing a Pierce Point".

To construct an intersect point:

  1. Select Insert | Feature | Constructed | Point to display the Construct Point dialog box.

  2. Select the Intersection option from the Method list.

  3. Use the table above to select the first and second valid features types.

  4. To change the feature theoreticals values, click the Specify theos check box in the Feature Theoreticals section and update the X, Y, Z, I, J, and K values as necessary.

  5. Click the Create button.

The Edit window command line for this option would read:


If the two features do not intersect, the point is constructed midway between the two features at the apparent intersection. In other words, the intersect point is the mid-point of the shortest line connecting the two input features.

In this example, A indicates where the intersect point is constructed between LINE1 and LINE2:

Constructing an intersect point from two lines that do not intersect

You can intersect two circle features and as long as they have the same (or very similar) vectors, PC-DMIS generates a constructed point feature at one of the intersection points. If you switch the order of the selected input features in the Construct Point dialog box, PC-DMIS constructs a point at the other intersection point.

You can intersect a line feature with a constructed curve. The line and curve are first projected onto the current workplane, where the intersection is computed. If there is no intersection, an error message appears. Even though there may be many intersection points, PC-DMIS only reports the one closest to the start of the curve. To get the other intersection points, it may be possible to subdivide the curve and compute intersections on the sub curves.

If you select a slot as one of your input features, PC-DMIS uses the slot centerline vector when constructing this point instead of the slot normal vector. If you want to use the older slot normal vector, you need to modify the value for the UseLegacySlotVector registry entry in PC-DMIS Settings Editor. For information on how to do this, see "Modifying Registry Entries".