Control Points Tab

Control Points tab

Control Points tab from a scan dialog box

The Control Points tab only appears if you use an analog probe head that allows continuous contact scanning.

The Control Points tab in the scan dialog box (Insert | Scan) enables you to add control points to your scan. Control points interrupt the normal scan functions and allow you to define specific locations on the scan which alter the scan speed, point density or both. Good continuous scans often require different scan speeds and/or point densities for different parts of the scan.

The ability to add control points has been added to these types of scans:

The Control Points tab contains the Control Points Definition area. This area lets you define each control point. It contains the following items.

Type list
This list defines the type of control point. The available types include:

  1. Plane
    PLANE, X, Y, Z, I, J, K, Num Crossings, Scan Speed, Point Density

  2. Sphere
    SPHERE, X, Y, Z, I, J, K, Num Crossings, Scan Speed, Point Density, Diameter

  3. Cone
    CONE, X, Y, Z, I, J, K, Num Crossings, Scan Speed, Point Density, Angle

  4. Cylinder
    CYLINDER, X, Y, Z, I, J, K, Num Crossings, Scan Speed, Point Density, Diameter

These types are similar to the boundary points.

The Control Points tab has these options:

Number of crossings box
This box defines the number of times the probe must cross the interrupt boundary before adjusting the specified parameters.

Diameter box
This box defines the diameter of the Cylinder or Sphere control point.

Angle box
This box defines the half angle of the Cone control point.

Point density box
This box defines the density of the points that are read into the scan data during a continuous contact scan. This is listed as the number of points per mm.

Speed box
This box defines the speed of the machine while it traverses the part surface performing scans.

From manual hit check box
If you select this check box, you can define the control point's XYZ and IJK location by manually taking a hit with the probe or by clicking on the part model.

XYZ boxes
These boxes define the XYZ location of the control point.

IJK boxes
These boxes define the IJK vector of the control point.

Add button
Adds a new, undefined control point.

Delete button
Deletes the current control point.

Next button
Goes to the next control point. The boxes in the area change to show the new point's data.

Prev button
Goes to the previous control point. The boxes in the area change to show the new point's data.

Delete All button
Deletes all the control points in the scan.

Update button
Updates all the control points in the scan with the setting for the current control point.


Adding and Using Control Points

Scanning after Adding Control Points