The Pointcloud operator commands listed below perform different operations on pointcloud (COP) commands and other pointcloud operator commands. The software defines the units for these commands by the measurement routine.
Versions earlier than PC-DMIS 2014 used a COPOPER keyword prior to the operator command. This COPOPER command is no longer available, and the commands now use a COP prefix. For example, the Filter operator is now COPFILTER.
You can add pointcloud operator commands into your measurement routine in any of these ways:
Select the Insert | Pointcloud | Operator menu item.
Select menu items from the following submenus:
File | Import | Pointcloud - This option imports data from data files to a COP.
File | Export | Pointcloud - This option exports data to data files from a COP.
Insert | Pointcloud - This option allows you to add basic pointcloud commands. These include COP and specific pointcloud operator commands (Cross Section, Surface Colormap, or Point Colormap) that alter the display of pointclouds in the Graphic Display window.
Operation | Pointcloud - This option allows you to alter the number of points that PC-DMIS includes in COP commands. Items included in this submenu are: Clean, Empty, Filter, Purge, Reset, and Select.
Manually type pointcloud operator commands into the Edit window. If the cursor is on the command in the Edit window, and you press F9, the Pointcloud Operator dialog box opens.
From the Pointcloud toolbar, click the appropriate Pointcloud Operator button to open the associated Pointcloud Operator dialog box. The software applies the pointcloud operator to the COP.
You must be licensed with the COP option to use Pointcloud operator commands. You cannot use these commands if you are only licensed with the Vision option. You should disable Vision when you use Laser.