Interface-Specific Options

These are the available registry entries for this interface:

For the second rotary table in a dual rotary table configuration, this value should almost always be set to a small value. The position of the table must be completely stable before you proceed with measurements because the hit values come from the first controller, which has no knowledge of the second table’s position. If the second table moves after PC-DMIS thinks the move is complete (during a DCC sequence), it may not be properly accounted for and leads to an inaccurate measurement.

If the value is 2 (the Print button is used as "done"), PC-DMIS does not send the command to activate the actually done button.

This option is only available in PC-DMIS version 3.x and later. It is not available in version 2.x.

This option is only available in PC-DMIS version 3.x and later. It is not available in version 2.x.