
This registry entry is available when you use the Vibration Free Transmission (VFT) calibration procedure and algorithms to calibrate an analog probe. This registry entry is not available on all machine types. You can use this registry entry on machines that support VFT when the Use Trax Calibration check box in the PC-DMIS Probe Utilities dialog box (Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe) is NOT selected. The VFT procedure includes both individual touch measurement and scan measurement. This entry applies to the scans. The VFT scan paths are executed twice with two different sets of scanning parameters.

For details on the Use Trax Calibration check box, see the "Use TRAX Calibration check box" topic in the "Understanding the Probe Utilities dialog box" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

Entry Name: VFTScan_LSPX1S_Acceleration1

Entry Type: Real number that specifies the acceleration in mm/sec/sec for the first set of VFT scan parameters when using an LSP-X1S probe. The default value is 14.00.