Creating a Manual Scan

To begin scanning in Learn mode, follow these steps:

  1. [optional] To add your scanned data into a pointcloud, you must create a COP command to your measurement routine. To do this, select the Insert | Pointcloud Feature menu item, or click the Pointcloud button on the Pointcloud toolbar.

If you begin scanning without first creating a COP command, PC-DMIS automatically creates a COP for the scanned data.

  1. Setup the Line Filter and other needed scan settings from the Laser Data Collection Settings dialog box (Operation | Pointcloud | Data Collection). For details on this dialog box, see "Laser Data Collection Settings" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

  2. Scan the surface of the feature or features. This may take more than one pass. The software displays the scanned stripes in the Graphic Display window in real-time. If you are using an existing COP, PC-DMIS prompts you to empty it.

  3. Select the Auto features that reside within the pointcloud as described in the "Extracting Auto Features from Pointclouds" topic in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation. When you create an Auto feature, PC-DMIS extracts the pointcloud for the feature and inserts it onto the Laser Scan Properties tab of the Laser Auto Feature dialog box.


Portable Laser Probe Scanning

Auto Zoom and Auto Rotate

Setting Leica T-Scan Probe Options