Visual Basic |
Public Function ExecuteCustomCommand( _ ByVal CommandNumber As Long, _ ByVal InputIntArray As VariableArray, _ ByVal InputDoubleArray As VariableArray, _ ByVal OutputIntArray As VariableArray, _ ByVal OutputDoubleArray As VariableArray _ ) As Boolean |
- CommandNumber
The command to execute. Each command may require a number of input and output values, these value can be integer or double.
The following commands are currently available:
60 (Get CMM serial number) : retrieve the cmm serial number.
Input: command_number (value 60 decimal), int_in_data = NULL, int_in_data_cnt = 0, double_in_data = NULL , double_in_data_cnt = 0
Output: int_out_data (must be defined as an array of dimension one - integer) and will return the SN value, int_out_data_cnt will return 1, double_out_data = NULL, double_out_data_cnt = 0
Command affected: NONE
The serial number is returned as an integer value, first value of int_out_data array. No measurement routine command is affected.
70 (Set part temp) : set the part temperature value.
Input: command_number (value 70 decimal), int_in_data = NULL, int_in_data_cnt = 0, double_in_data (must be defined as an array of dimension one - double) contains the part temperature value, double_in_data_cnt = 1
Output: int_out_data = NULL, int_out_data_cnt = 0, double_out_data = NULL, double_out_data_cnt = 0
Command affected: TEMPCOMP
- InputIntArray
- An array containing the command integer input values, the dimension of the array depends on the command. If no input is required, this must be set to NULL.
- InputDoubleArray
- An array containing the command double input values, the dimension of the array depends on the command. If no input is required, this must be set to NULL.
- OutputIntArray
- An array containing the command integer output values. the dimension of the array depends on the command. If no output is required, this must be set to NULL.
- OutputDoubleArray
- An array containing the command double output values. the dimension of the array depends on the command. If no output is required, this must be set to NULL.
Example Title | ![]() |
Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click ' This example shows a subroutine tied to a click event on a button ' that allows you to set a part's temperature using automation ' instead of using the machine's controller sensor to get the temperature. ' Before using this example, you will need to set ContinuousTempSensor ' registry to FALSE. This is located in the Leitz section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor. Dim app As PCDLRN.Application app = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") Dim part As PCDLRN.PartProgram part = app.ActivePartProgram If part Is Nothing Then MsgBox("Please open a measurement routine!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub End If Dim Machine As PCDLRN.Machine Machine = part.ActiveMachine Dim mystring As String Dim command_number As Integer Dim intarray As PCDLRN.VariableArray intarray = Machine.GetArray() Dim doublearray As PCDLRN.VariableArray doublearray = Machine.GetArray() Dim out_int_array As PCDLRN.VariableArray out_int_array = Machine.GetArray() Dim out_double_array As PCDLRN.VariableArray out_double_array = Machine.GetArray() Dim stringa As String If Len(PartTemp.Text) < 1 Then MsgBox("Insert a valid Part Temperature value!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Exit Sub End If Dim PartTempDouble As Double doublearray.SetSize((1)) PartTempDouble = CDbl(PartTemp.Text) Call doublearray.SetValue(1, PartTempDouble) Dim ret As Boolean command_number = 70 ret = Machine.ExecuteCustomCommand(command_number, intarray, doublearray, out_int_array, out_double_array) Text1.Text = CStr(ret) |