Supp Value

SuppValue receives supplemental information about a change in a dialog box control. The information SuppValue receives depends on which control calls the dialog function. The following SuppValue values are passed when Action is 2 or 3.

Control SuppValue passed
ListBox, DropListBox, or ComboBox Number of the item selected where 0 (zero) is the first item in the list box, 1 is the second item, and so on.
CheckBox 1 if selected, 0 (zero) if cleared.
OptionButton Number of the option button selected, where 0 (zero) is the first option button within a group, 1 is the second option button, and so on.
TextBox Number of characters in the text box.
ComboBox If Action is 3, number of characters in the combo box.
CommandButton A value identifying the button chosen. This value is not often used, since the same information is available from the ControlID$ value.