Cylinder Centering Thread Scan Strategy

The Cylinder Centering Thread Scan strategy for the Cylinder Auto feature performs a thread scan by maintaining the probe centered within the thread. When you use this strategy, the diameter of the probe tip must be larger than the size of the valleys in-between the threads to prevent probe shanking.

This strategy is supported only on B4 and B5 Leitz controllers.

The following properties are available:

Sample Cylinder Centering Thread Scan dialog box

Sample Cylinder Centering Thread Scan properties

Point Density

Type or select the number of readings to take per unit of measurement during the scan.

Scan Speed

Type or select the scan speed (mm/sec).

Find Nadir

Select this check box to take two hits at slightly different points on the thread to determine the best place to start the scan. The software uses the point that is deepest into the thread.

Filtering Area

Filter Type - Select the filter type:

UPR - This option defines the undulations per revolution. The default is 50. This value only applies to cylinders and circles. The software hides this option if you select None in the Filter Type list.