Working with Contact Auto Move Properties

Contact Auto Move Properties tab for a Plane

This tab becomes visible when you have the Auto Feature dialog box open and you enable a contact probe.

The Contact Auto Move Properties tab contains items that allow you to change Auto Move properties for Auto Features that use contact probes.

A useful way of visualizing how these properties affect the measurement is to display pathways and hits with the Show Hit Targets icon ().

Auto moves are special moves added to your feature's path lines to help PC-DMIS avoid driving the probe through your feature when it actually measures.

This tab also controls the distance away from voids that measurements are allowed. This tab contains the following items.



Avoidance Move

This list lets you choose the type of avoidance move for your current Auto feature. This list contains these items:

  • NO - The software does not perform avoidance moves for the current feature.

  • BEFORE - Before PC-DMIS measures the first hit on the current feature, the probe moves to the specified distance above the centroid of the feature before it moves to the first hit.

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  • AFTER - After PC-DMIS measures the last hit on the current feature, the probe moves to the specified distance above the centroid of the feature.

You must have an active Internet connection to see this video.

  • BOTH - The probe moves the avoidance move distance above the centroid of the feature before it moves to the first hit and after it measures the last hit.


This specifies the distance above the first probing or last probing to which the probe moves to during execution.

Void Detection

This area is only visible for a Plane Auto feature. It becomes enabled if you select the Void Detection icon located in the Measurement properties area of the Auto Feature bar.

The Use boundary offset check box determines the minimum distance from the void's boundary (an edge) where PC-DMIS takes hits. This distance also defines the increment value the software uses when it searches for the surface after it detects a void.

  • If you clear this check box, PC-DMIS places hits the default distance of the probe tip's radius value from the void's edge.

  • If you select this check box, PC-DMIS places hits at the distance from the edge that you specify in the box beneath the check box.