Selecting Options from the Menu Bar with the Keyboard

To open a menu and browse through the options using the keyboard, press the ALT key followed by the underlined letter in the name of the menu to be opened.

To open the View menu using the keyboard, press ALT and V (the underlined letter). Options can be selected from the menu in a similar manner. Simply press the underlined letter to the corresponding option (i.e., Cut:  press the T key).

Menus also can be opened using the arrow keys.

To do this:

  1. Press the ALT key to switch to the menu bar.

  2. Use the LEFT/RIGHT ARROW keys to move to the desired menu.

  3. Use the UP/DOWN ARROW keys to select an option.

  4. When the desired option is highlighted, press the ENTER key.

Shortcut keys also have been assigned to many of the options. The shortcut key is shown to the right of the command or option.

See the "Using Shortcut Keys and Menus" chapter for more information.