This item applies to the Home page.

The Right Pane

The right pane shows information and other options that change based on the current selected item.

Initial View

Initially, from the Home page's right pane, you can see links for these items. Most of these require an Internet connection to access:

Items for Measurement Routine

Once you select a measurement routine, the right pane changes to show the measurement routine's details:

Path - This text shows the folder path to the selected measurement routine. It is also a link that you can click on to open that routine's folder in the File Explorer and select the .prg file.

Preview Pane - This area displays the CAD preview image if the measurement routine uses a CAD file. You can click Set image as thumbnail to create a thumbnail from the CAD preview image. You must run PC-DMIS as administrator to change this thumbnail.

Favorite - In this area, you can click the star icon to add the measurement routine to favorites or to remove it from favorites.

Nickname - This box lets you type a nickname for the measurement routine. The actual file name in your folder structure is unaffected. The nickname only affects the name that you see in the Favorite view.

Open - This button opens the selected measurement routine.

Open Online - This option determines whether to open the measurement routine in Offline or Online mode. This option appears only if you have Online and Offline on your license.

Include CAD - This option determines whether you want to open the CAD file associated with the measurement routine.

Change Thumbnail - This button appears over the measurement routine's thumbnail image. It allows you to change the thumbnail if you run PC-DMIS as an administrator. Note that the image is also linked with Inspect. This means if you change a thumbnail image in PC-DMIS, it also occurs in Inspect and vice versa.

Open Folder Explorer - This button appears when you access the Discover tab from the left pane and then click on an example measurement routine. This button opens File Explorer to the folder for the downloaded example measurement routine. The button becomes unavailable once you download the example measurement routine.

Items for Templates (New tab)

Once you select a template from the New tab, the right pane changes to shows details for the measurement routine you want to create. The New Measurement Routine dialog box from File | New contains this same information:

Nickname - This box defines the nickname for the measurement routine. By default, this matches the name of the template you selected. For more information, see "Nickname" above.

Part Name - This box defines the name of your part. The .prg file that PC-DMIS creates also uses this same name.

Location - This box defines the folder where you want to create the measurement routine.

Serial Number - This box defines the unique serial number for the part. This item is optional.

Revision Number - This box defines the revision number for the part or the measurement routine. This item is optional.

Units - This list defines whether the measurement routine uses millimeters or inches for the units of measure. The units needs to match the units of the template tile you selected.

Create - This button uses the above information and creates the measurement routine in the location folder.

Create Online - This option defines whether the measurement routine is an offline measurement routine (not connected to the machine) or an online measurement routine (connected to the machine).

Items for Discover

Once you select a video from the Videos tab, the right pane changes to shows details for the selected video.

Launch - This button will launch the video in your default internet browser.