Saving Measurement Routines

Selecting the File | Save option saves any work that has been done in the current measurement routine. The first time you save a file, the Save As dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to choose where to save your measurement routine (see the "Save As" topic for additional information).

If you have already saved a measurement routine to a previous version of PC-DMIS (from the Save As dialog box), PC-DMIS displays a message on subsequent saves. This message asks if you want to save the measurement routine to the old version selected previously. You can choose these options:

If you want to stop displaying this message, see "Warnings" in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter.

When you save a certified measurement routine, PC-DMIS displays the Save dialog box.

Save dialog box

The Save button saves all the changes that you made to the measurement routine with comments in the .protect file.

For information on certified measurement routines, see "Certify".

Your measurement routines are automatically archived during certain events. For more information, see "Working with Measurement Routine Archives".


Save As