Auto Features Toolbar

Auto Features toolbar

With the Auto Features toolbar (View | Toolbars | Auto Features), you can access the same Auto feature available on the various tabs of the Auto Features dialog box.

PC-DMIS determines which Auto features are enabled based on your PC-DMIS configuration and your current probe type. For more information about what Auto features the different configurations support, see "Inserting Auto Features" in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter.

The following icons are available:

Vector Point - Creates an Auto Vector Point feature from the surface vector at the clicked location.

Surface Point - Creates an Auto Surface Point feature at the clicked location.

Edge Point - Creates an Auto Edge Point feature on a line between two surfaces.

Angle Point - Creates an Auto Angle Point feature where three perpendicular surfaces meet.

Corner Point - Creates an Auto Corner Point feature where two lines or surfaces meet.

High Point - Creates an Auto High Point feature at the highest location on the surface.

Line - Creates an Auto Line feature on a line.

Plane - Creates an Auto Plane feature on a surface.

Circle -Creates an Auto Circle feature on a circle.

Ellipse - Creates an Auto Ellipse feature on an ellipse.

Round Slot - Creates an Auto Round Slot feature on a round slot.

Square Slot - Creates an Auto Square Slot feature on a square slot.

Notch Slot -Creates an Auto Notch Slot feature on a three-sided square slot.

Flush and Gap - Creates an Auto Flush and Gap feature to measure the height difference between two mating sheet metal parts. This becomes available with Laser probes.

Polygon - Creates an Auto Polygon feature from a feature of three or more sides of equal length.

Profile 2D - Creates an Auto Profile 2D feature. This is available with Vision probes.

Blob - Creates an Auto Blob feature. This is available with Vision probes.

Cylinder - Creates an Auto Cylinder feature.

Cone - Creates an Auto Cone feature.

Sphere - Creates an Auto Sphere feature.

When you click on an Auto feature icon, the Auto Feature dialog box opens and selects that feature type. To create the Auto feature, follow the instructions provided in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter. When ready, press the End key, or click the Create button on the Auto Feature dialog box to insert the feature into your measurement routine. Before creating your feature, you can remove hits from the hit buffer by pressing the Alt + '-' keyboard combination.

You can click the minimize button on the Auto Feature dialog box to hide it and still create the selected feature.