Specifying Feature Theoreticals

PC-DMIS provides the ability to specify theoretical information for most of the available constructed feature types. Traditionally, PC-DMIS has used the theoretical values from the input features to calculate a theoretical value for the constructed feature. In some circumstances, however, you may not want this result. To make constructed features more flexible, you can override the traditional behavior and specify your own theoretical values for the feature.

The Feature theoreticals area is at the bottom-right of the constructed feature's dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed). This area is unavailable for selection until you select the Specify theos check box. This enables the other items in the area, which you can use to override the calculated theoretical values from the input features with the specified theoretical values.

Example Feature Theoreticals area for a Constructed Circle feature

The items that appear in the Feature theoreticals area change, depending on the feature you are constructing. Each feature displays at least the X, Y, and Z boxes (the location) and the I, J, and K boxes (the orientation). For features with characteristic sizes, such as circles, slots, and cones, additional items appear in this area.

Overriding Feature Theoreticals

To change an existing feature from the traditional method to the new theoretical override:

  1. From the Edit window, press F9 to see the dialog box for that constructed feature.

  2. Select the Specify theos check box to enable the Feature theoretical area.

  3. Change the theoretical values by editing the available items.

  4. Click the Create button when finished.

Alternately, you can edit the feature from the Edit window. In Command Mode, set the last field on the first line of the feature to YES and then manually type the values in the THEO line.

To have PC-DMIS automatically calculate the feature information based on the input features (the traditional method), clear the Specify theos check box in the dialog box or change the appropriate value in the Edit window. The features update accordingly.

Because you are editing your feature theoretical values, PC-DMIS asks if you want to update your measured values and the theoretical values of any associated dimensions. This is standard PC-DMIS behavior.

All constructed features have this capability except for: