To Construct a Feature Using the Construction Dialog Boxes

  1. Select the Insert | Feature | Constructed menu.

  2. From the Constructed menu, select the type of feature to construct.

  3. From the dialog box, select the input features.

You can also use the Graphical Hit Selection method to select inputs to your construction. For details, see "Graphical Hit Selection Method".

  1. From the dialog box, choose other options as needed. For information on the available options, see the specific constructed feature type.

  2. Click the Create button.

PC-DMIS constructs the feature and then displays it on the screen. It also displays the feature's center point in the Edit window. PC-DMIS constructs the requested feature, leaves the dialog box open, and adds the newly-constructed feature into the dialog box. This allows you to construct multiple features based on newly-constructed features.