Using a Range of Hits from a Scan as Inputs

You can use a range of hits from an existing scan for your feature set inputs instead of selecting individual features.

To do this:

  1. Access the Construct Feature Set dialog box (Insert | Feature | Constructed | Set).

  2. Select a scan to use as the input.

  3. Click OK. The command appears in the Edit window.

  4. Place the Edit window into Command mode.

  5. Navigate to the feature set command in the Edit window.

  6. Select the scan ID on the CONSTR/SET command line.

  7. Modify the scan ID to take a range of hits, using a syntax like this:


<ID> - Specifies the ID of the scan.

<STARTHIT> - Number that specifies the beginning hit in the range of hits.

<ENDHIT> - Number that specifies the ending hit in the range of hits.

For example, the following code shows a constructed set using hits 1 through 10 of a scan named SCN1 for its input features.


You can use an actual expression (similar to the input code) to assign the X values of the first five features of the constructed set into an array. For example, the following code would assign just the X values of the first five hits to variable V2 and then display the values in an operator comment.


For information on using expressions to return a range of hits as an array, see the "Hit Arrays" topic in the "Using Expressions and Variables" chapter.