About Labels and Label Templates

A label template essentially acts like a mini-report template that you associate with a specific command (or commands) in the report. This gives you a lot of freedom with data that you can include in your report. For example you can display labels for dimensions, labels for measured features, for Auto features, and so forth.

Example label housing a Position table with a Feature Control Frame (FCF)

Example label housing a Position table with a Feature Control Frame (FCF)

PC-DMIS ships with several standard labels that you can associate with objects in your Report templates. However, as with Report templates, you can create your own label templates as well. Label templates can contain any object from the Label Template Editor's Object Bar, but they usually contain the GridControlObject or the Graph object.

You can use the Label Template Editor to create label templates.


Understanding the Label Template Editor

Tutorial - Creating Label Templates

Using Labels in Reports

Arranging Labels in the Report Window

Using the Table Format Command