An Overview of the Help File's Structure and Interface

PC-DMIS uses a browser-based HTML Help system. To launch the PC-DMIS Help file at any time in the Help viewer, you can do one of the following:

By default, the software tries to launch the most up-to-date Help for PC-DMIS 2021.2 from the Internet. If the software cannot detect an Internet connection, it then attempts to open an offline Help file. The offline help file exists on your local machine if you chose to install it from the PC-DMIS installation files. You can also change the default to open the offline help with the Help | Use Offline Help menu option.

The PC-DMIS Help initially shows the Help Center introductory topic. This topic contains helpful links to external topics as well as FAQ topics:

The PC-DMIS Help File

A. Navigation pane:

Click Expand () to show the Navigation pane. This pane displays the following tabs to help you navigate, search for, and filter topics. You can click Collapse () to hide the pane.

From left to right, this pane contains these tabs:

B. Toolbar:

The Toolbar at the top of the Help viewer contains these buttons:

C. Breadcrumbs area:

The Breadcrumbs area exists between the Toolbar area and Topic pane:

The Breadcrumbs area is not shown on the main PC-DMIS Help Center page. The image above is to show the general location of the Breadcrumbs area on Help topic pages.

Breadcrumbs provide you with a hierarchal view of where the topic is in context with its direct-line ancestor topics. This provides you with a convenient way to view earlier parent topics within the topic's current tree level in the Table of Contents tab. You can click the Home link to go to the initial introductory topic of the current Help file.

D. Topic pane:

The Topic pane is the main part of the Help. It displays the contents for the selected topic.