Using the Laser View

The Laser View is a view in the Graphic Display window that helps you visualize what the sensor "sees". You can access the Laser View whenever you click on the Laser tab.

You can use the Laser View during laser probe calibration, scanning, and Auto feature measurement. This tab shows what information PC-DMIS uses. During the scanning process, PC-DMIS disregards any data outside the clipping region rectangle. For more information, see the screen capture in "Laser Probe Toolbox: Laser Clipping Region Properties tab".

Graphic Display window - Laser tab

Laser Start/Stop - This button turns the laser state on or off in the Laser tab. When you make changes in the Probe Toolbox, you need to turn the laser state off and then back on to apply the changes in the Laser tab.

Perceptron Sensor Additions

AutoExposure - This button automatically determines the optimum exposure to use for measurement. You need to aim the laser at the part before you click this button. For more information, see "Exposure".

Perceptron and CMS Sensor Addition

If you are using a CMS or Perceptron sensor, PC-DMIS shows these buttons:

AutoGain - When the HP-L-5.8 sensor is in range of the part, select this button to learn the best gain setting and update the Probe Toolbox accordingly.

Center Part - This button centers the part in the sensor's field of view.

AutoClip - This button automatically sets the clipping according to the data present in the Laser tab.

Reset Clipping - This button erases the existing clipping and resets the entire sensor view for the selected scan zoom mode. For more information, see "Scan Zoom States (for CMS Sensors)".

In addition, for Perceptron and CMS sensors, you can drag the clipping region with the mouse. This provides an alternative to adjusting the clipping region by typing values in the Probe Toolbox.

For details on the HP-L-10.10 sensor options, see the "Using Live View with the HP-L-10.10 Sensor" topic in this documentation.

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