Romer Specific Features

Pulled Hit: With arm-type CMM’s, the vector of the hit is the direction of the last joint of the arm. The Pulled Hit overrides the vector of the last joint. When you take hits, occasionally this last joint does not or cannot accurately depict the vector you want to send to PC-DMIS.

To take this hit:

  1. Press and hold the Hit button.

  2. Move the tip in the direction of the vector you want to send to PC-DMIS. The move should be at least VectDistance away from the point where you took the hit.

  3. Release the button.

Mouse Mode: This option allows you to use the arm as a mouse with the two buttons on the probe head as the left and right mouse buttons. Open WinRDS to access the CMM Interface Setup dialog box to configure the mouse mode behavior.

Once configured, the buttons on the arm perform these commands:

Custom Probes: To provide support for ROMER’s power probe, Renishaw touch-trigger probes, and custom probes (usually probes with internal IDs 4 to 6), you must create these probe files:

Since WinRDS compensates for probe lengths, you only need to define the diameter of the probe for correct measurement in PC-DMIS. The software uses the length of the probe mainly for display purposes.

Probes Mounted at Different Mount: Currently, WinRDS considers probes mounted in different positions as different probes. The software then calibrates them as custom probes 4 to 6. Because of this, you should create the probe files as described in the "Custom Probes" section above.